Friday, August 21, 2020

SR Miller Stories


SR Miller Stories.

K049 Feb 87 to April 87

This is not my own story, but it was too funny not to pass along.  I will add some context to this for those not familiar with Navy boot camp. Having a “job” in your company is important. Most of us did not get a special job as a recruit. We were just there for the ride. The most crucial role was RCPO, Recruit Chief Petty Officer. He/She ran the company and gave us our commands during marching. 

Although some would disagree, the next most important job was guidon bearer. This person was typically the shortest in the company. This is done to help keep an even pace when marching. And, from my own experience, this person loves their job and does not want it taken. They carry the companies flag and lets everyone know who is coming down the sidewalk.

If you remember, this is the same young lady who gave us the Skittles Club story. 

I want to thank SR Miller for sharing her stories with me and allowing me to share with you. We all went through some exciting experiences at RTC Orlando. Some were a little more interesting than others.


Marching out of my shoe.

Our boots were a problem for lots of us from day one. I have flat feet, so blisters developed the first few days. I had heard horror stories of people getting set back and made to wait to join another company, so I just kept my blisters to myself. I loosened the laces on my boots to help with the pressure. Trying anything to ease the discomfort. So one day, we are marching to class, and I marched right out of my boot.

I just kept going, so next thing I know, my CC is yelling, “Company Halt!” He comes running up to the front, where I was looking at our feet and holding my boot.

“Miller!!!” “ Have you lost something !??!”

I, of course, start to cry, my go-to emotion. This continually baffles my poor CC.

“Miller!!! Why are you crying??? Stop!!!!!”

“Why am I holding your boot?”

“ Did you forget how to tie?? “

“What is the issue here??”

I hobble over out of the way of the company to put my boot back on. He catches me limping and starts yelling again for me to take off my sock. So I’m sitting on the sidewalk he’s holding my guidon flag, and I peel off my socks. I reveal about 10 huge blisters all in different stages of grossness. He yells some more at me then walks me, in my socks, over to sickbay. I’m bawling the whole time telling him I am fine and that I don’t want to get set back. He comes into the doctor with me, where they treated and lanced my poor feet.

They gave me a note to wear white socks and slip-on shower shoes, then my tennis shoes for two weeks. My CC took me afterward to get a root beer and a Butterfinger candy bar at the geedunk machines. Told me if I told anyone I’d be regretting it. Lol. I was worried he would take away my flag and told him so. He told me to shut up and not ask so many damn questions.



Dungaree Issue

On the day that we were issued our dungarees, we went into that building to stencil our name on everything we owned. I remember being paralyzed that I would do it on the wrong side of my shirt or make a mistake. Of course, the CCs know this, so they were yelling and telling us we were moving too slow, etc.

We all got done, and suddenly I hear this commotion. Our CCs have pulled a girl from our company out and were telling her how brilliant she was. That now, because of her brilliance, she no longer had a last name. She would for the rest of boot camp and forever in our memories be 3629. She had stenciled the last 4 of her SSN on everything she owned. It always made us laugh when the CCs would call her out. She was such a sweet girl.



Mail Call

My parents were wonderful while I was at boot camp. I got lots and lots of mail. They always harassed me about it, but I didn’t care. I would read my letters from my dad out loud to other recruits who didn’t get much mail. I had told my dad about some of them so he would ask about them. He would also tell them individually to keep their chin up and that he looked forward to meeting them at graduation. Right before Easter, I got a pretty big package.

My CCs yelled out to me, “Miller!!! What do you think this is? A college sorority?”

He made me open it up in front of everyone. When I did, it was full of yellow chick marshmallow Peeps enough for everyone, including my CCs. Lol.

He just looks at me with his mouth hanging open. He shook his head and said, “Well Miller, maybe it is a freaking sorority! I don’t know!!”

 He let me pass out the peeps, and we all got to eat them right then. Girls that hated peeps were so happy to have the treat!


Are You Comfy?

I tell my stories all the time. We had a unique situation. We were my male CCs first female company. And we were my lady CCs last company as a cc. They were friends in life, so they enjoyed each other. So they were having fun. And so we got to too. I was definitely like private Benjamin showing up. One time I took my CCs blanket and put it on top of my bed because I was cold. Good lord. I never heard the end of it. We’d be somewhere, and they would ask me, “Hey Miller? Is the temperature ok for you here? Too hot? Too cold? Never lived that one down. Lol

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