Monday, April 27, 2020

Our Sister Company

C077/K051 Fed 21-Apr 25, 1990

I knew very little about what was going to happen at RTC Orlando before arriving. I was informed by my recruiter, and by MEPS, there are women there. It was also impressed on me, NO CONTACT.

While discussing my upcoming training with my family, I mentioned the women being at Orlando, and well, my fiancé was none too happy.

If memory served me when we arrived in Orlando, the guys and girls stood in separate lines in the RIF hallway. Then when we went into the large room where we had to do some paperwork, they were on the other side of the room from us.
The ladies were to become K051. They were the third female company in Traning Group 21.

Now admittedly, I really know next to nothing about their day to day experiences. They attended class with us in the academic building. Sometimes we would arrive first, other days they would. We were told time and again, no contact with the ladies. But, young people being the way they are, we figured out how to contact one another.

Of course, note-passing was a thing, sounds pretty high school level, doesn't it? But, we also had a wrinkle on that. A boyfriend and girlfriend in the companies knew sign language. They shared the address, and people could write directly. But, we still passed notes along the way. From first-hand experience, it was the thrill of pulling one over on your CC's. I handled a few during work week and also during some of the following weeks.

Our first notable interaction happened at swim qualifications. I think we were all too scared to even look at the girls. Plus, it was rather cold outside. Typically when there were 80 girls around in bathing suits, guys took notice.

Slowly over the weeks, we started to take notice more and more. Yeah, there were some rather attractive young ladies in our sister company. One afternoon when we arrived in class, we noticed something a little strange in the classroom. It seemed the girls had done something worthy of a reward. They each got one spray from a bottle of perfume.

Now, I bet we can all agree that perfume or cologne is rather appealing to the senses. Usually, we would probably not notice its impact on us. Now, think for a moment when your significant other puts on that unique perfume to spice things up. OK, got that in your head. Now imagine 80+ young guys who had not enjoyed the pleasant aroma of a young lady for far too many days. Then make that 80+ young ladies. Well, just let your imaginations wander for a moment.

In talking to a lady was in our sister company about the perfume she said it was not necessarily a good thing. From their standpoint. She told me their CC came in and said, "Eyes UP!" She told me it was cheap stinky stuff. Hell, the guys didn't care it was better than the locker room smell we were used to. 

Yeah, it was really nice getting our olfactory senses stimulated like that. Sorry, I like using big words at times.

Workweek had the potential for special treatment, 2 weeks to the reach. March! But none of our company nor our sister company received that one. We did enjoy the actual ability to have conversations with the girls. I know I did enjoy speaking with the young lady, SR Ribbet (I hope that is her name. If you ever read this, I am sorry if I messed it up.)

I helped her clean her tables after I was done with my milk station. She and I facilitated a good many cross company notes getting back and forth.
After workweek, we still had training, but things between the companies seemed to get gearing up toward the upcoming Liberty weekends. There was a push to get the girls to go with us to Wet n' Wild for controlled liberty, but that did not happen. More on that when I cover controlled liberty.

Now, I will say this. I did talk to a couple other girls from the company, but I cannot remember their names to save my life. One was older, maybe my age or so, I was 22. I spoke to her a good deal at Sports. What I found odd was she knew my name, the first name too. There was another young lady I spoke to from time to time after work week on occasion. She got me in the dog house during parents' night.

I was talking with my mom and fiancee. She came over and introduced me to her mom and dad. So, I introduce her to my mom and fiancee. We talk a little, and they leave. My mom excused herself to have a smoke. Oh hell, I got a major "Who the F was that?" I did my best to smooth it over. Not sure how I did, but she didn't hit me or anything.

Was training better on us have the girls around? Probably not, but it was nice seeing them every day.

Our CC's did set up a pizza party with the girls near the end of the training. We were all set. 80+ guys, 80+ girls, 80+ pizzas, and the field house. BUT, damn central Florida thunderstorm killed that idea. Instead, we sat in our compartments separately to eat our own pizza. It would have been nice to sit with one of our sisters, but darn weather.

One of the CC's for the ladies was a real bear. From what I have heard, she was a real B to be around. Even her counterpart CC did not like being around her. She eventually was fired just after we had our Pass In Review, PIR.

One particular girl, we nicknamed Barbie. She was rather shapely. The guy in our company was tried to pass the initial SEAL test had the hots for her. The feeling was mutual we found out. During my hold for orders in AT Land, I found out they were dating. She had a bad habit of wearing UA panties under her working whites.

Some of the other girls from our sister company were there, and they had found boyfriends by the time I showed up after my boot cam leave. They were all pretty friendly still. Although I had to be careful as my wife had a classmate of hers in AT Land. We saw her on Parent's night.

The picture is a stock photo from a Rudder. If any young lady from K051, 1990, ever sees this and has your company photos, let me know. I am sorry if I messed up any names and that I have forgotten yours.

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