Friday, April 24, 2020



C077/K051 Feb 21 – Apr 25 1990

I can hear some people already, what is that?

We had it. We did have time when we were alone with our thoughts in boot camp. I remember early in training we were told certain things had to be done. Like our boondockers needed to be polished. Or the compartment needed to be clean. We were left on our own to make the correct decision. Oddly, we did forego writing a letter home or taking a nap to do the polishing or cleaning.

I remember in the fleet having instances when the waste heat boilers were running in limits, and I had just shifted suction on the service tanks. I had 2-3 hours to do nothing. But, I would wax my passageway or work on a Navy course instead of writing home. Hell, I repainted all of my JP-5 piping ship wide once because I had nothing else to do. It did pay off too. I loved it when our waste heat system was running in limits. OK, back to Orlando. Fleet stories are for later.

How did 80+ civilians decide to polish boots? It really wasn’t because we had overbearing CCs, I guess we were just thinking different and did not realize it. I’ve read a good many stories on here about come CCs and how they would seem to almost suffocate their companies. I am glad we were allowed some freedom. I am also happy we did not get ourselves hung.
So, apart from actually doing the right thing during our downtime, we would also write home. Until later in training, that was probably the most significant thing we did. Later some of us would play basketball.

When we had our tests, we would break up into groups and study. Imagine 80+ guys, mostly teenagers, actually studying. Sure we did talk and share stories about our previous lives. Some of those were pretty eye-opening.

Who remembers sitting around on the deck, rubbing all the black marks you made earlier in the day with neutral shoe polish?

Sunday was the best day. We would be told on Saturday to do this or that. We had the times to go to chow. Guys went to church. Others just lounged around and did the things they liked to do. I remember we did get some Sunday newspapers. That is when I started to read the whole paper.
The church services were a lovely break. I only went a couple times.

After work week, I think we were allowed to go over to the exchange. That was nice as well. I like to read, and not having a book was killing me. But, that was taken care of during work week and after.

I am not sure if I developed my ability to pace myself in boot camp or if that came later in life. But, I do remember it was important to get certain things done during our downtime so we could do what we wanted. 

So, what did anyone else do? I know there are some interesting stories out there.

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