Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Writing Wednesday: Fun


Writing Wednesday

Having Fun    

I will openly admit; I have stopped having fun in my writing a while ago. I guess because it is coming down to crunch time for me, and I am panicking. Really, I am. But that is a topic for another post.

When I began to write, I enjoyed it. I created a story and people's lives with every new word I was putting on paper. I put them in danger and then placed them in an intimate setting where they found passion and sexual fulfillment. It was fun. At times I had an idea; I planned to start at A and go directly to Z, but that got totally sidetracked. The characters ended up taking a left turn at Albuquerque. (Sorry old Bugs Bunny joke.)

Even with the detour, I still managed to save the day, and my main characters were safe, and so the world with them. A few times along the way, I would actually get tears as I would write because it was emotional. Other times I would even laugh at what I had written because it was funny.

But, I lost it, I lost that fun aspect of it. It is all my fault because when I get a little freaked out, the fun goes away. Editing has me freaked out, as does my cover and paying for it all. It is essential to retain this aspect of our writing. It is easy to tell when an author is having fun because it comes through in their writing. Word phrases or an oddball term can crop up and make the reader laugh.

To get back into the fun of writing, I do a couple things. One is a bad habit I need to break, but I ignore what causes me a headache. That is bad because I missed my deadline, and now my whole project is delayed. So, don't do that. Another tactic I use is to distract myself with something I enjoy, such as my blog posts or reading. It really does help the most when I distract myself from the bad issue, and it gets me wanting to finish up the bad stuff so I can get back to having fun again.

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