Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Writing Wednesday: Opinions


Writing Wednesday

Yes, everyone has them, and everyone thinks theirs is the correct one. Yet, knowing we will receive a variety of opinions, we ask anyway. Sometimes we are looking for reassurance that our own instinct was right. Or we want to have people play devil's advocate for us.

When I ask for opinions, I have an idea myself of what I am asking about. Most of the time, I can bounce those off my wife, and she helps me out a good deal. Other times we will also ask her mom, and we can pretty much nail down things.

There are times when I need to ask "experts," so I find the proper group to do that. There are plenty of groups all over that are available for offering opinions. The big problem with different groups is some are better at providing good opinions. We all know that many jerks just seem to enjoy being a jerk from firsthand experience.

I had a couple recent needs for opinions so, I asked in the appropriate groups. I was a little surprised in one group; I ran into a few jerks, and my question was really never given proper consideration. In the other group, I had many of the members leaning one way, but there was a voice of reason out of nowhere. This lone opinion matched what I had felt inside, so I went with it.

Sometimes, just as with ideas, we will overvalue our own opinion to a fault. I know I am guilty of that at times.

Remember, an opinion is just that, another person's thoughts. If you need facts to back up an opinion, ask. But, you will need to do a little digging on your own to make sure those facts are indeed correct. The biggest thing is you will have to trust people. That's why I rely heavily on my wife's opinion; I trust her a great deal.

As the old saying goes, "Opinions are like assholes; everyone has them and some stink."

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