Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Writing Wednesday: Interruptions


Writing Wednesday:


We all know that pain. We sit down and get moving along, and suddenly, we are interrupted by numerous things. The list is endless, for sure. How do we deal with them, or how can we try to eliminate them is the trick.

I will run down a few of the issues I have and what I do to lessen the impact of those interruptions on me.

One of the biggest is my wife messaging me or merely talking to me. She just wants to say hey or whatever, so this is a pretty easy one to deal with. Since I have a pretty regular writing schedule, she has learned to leave me alone during that time. It did take a couple of days, but she is terrific about respecting my writing time.

Dealing with family members is pretty straight forward; just tell them, leave me alone during this time. Most will do that. Now, friends, on the other hand, they can be a little harder to deal with. Some of them will not get the hint that you need your writing time, and they will keep bugging you. It can be as easy and turning the sound off on your phone or not having a browser open when you write. They will get over you, ignoring them for an hour or two.

This brings up one of the worst interruptions of all social media. This is a significant pain because sometimes we just have to know who is commenting on that picture we just posted or arguing with you about the comment you just made. It would be great is it were just easy to not have the browser window open. Still, we need to look some things up for our story or double-check an essential piece of information.

Many like to listen to music or even the TV when they write. I find it easier to not listen to a radio station when writing. The commercials break the mood, as does the DJ. It is easier to tell my Alexa to play a specific group or style of music. This eliminates the commercials and DJ breaking in. I have tried listening to TV, but I find myself wanting to watch instead of just listening.

I have seen several authors comment in posts on this topic that they have small children at home, and they have to work around their schedule. That one is difficult to offer and advice on. I do seriously feel your pain. I also know many of these authors do a decent job working around their children’s schedules. But, those emergencies will occur.

We would all love to have a soundproof room that can be locked and block all cell phone signals when we write. The more I get myself into a “bunker” state of mind, the more I can block out inevitable distractions.

Here is an odd interruption, but ti actually does get in the way of your mojo at the time, your grammar checking, or writing aid program. I use Grammarly, and while writing it is checking, if I am on a roll, I will ignore the issues/problems I have in my text until I am done. Then go back and fix the issues. None of us are perfect when we type, so there will always be those fixes that need to be made. I have even turned Grammarly off while writing to I do not see the mistakes. This does go a long way in keeping my mojo and keeping me on target to get my thoughts down.

Even pets can cause issues. How many times have we been in a groove and getting just the perfect scene written when the dog needs to go out? Sure we can tell them to wait, but in the back of our mind, we are thinking, are they going to cause a bigger problem if I don’t let them out now?

It is impossible to work up a one size fits all to lessen the impact of interruptions. I shut off my phone and keep my browser closed as much as possible. But, then my mind will wander away from the task at hand. It happens to be the best of us, and it not uncommon. Heck, writing this, I was knocked off track a few times.

So, the moral of the story, do all you can to lessen the impact of interruptions but don’t freak out when they happen. And for me, when all else fails, it is bourbon and pipe time.

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