Monday, April 20, 2020

Apollo 50

Apollo 50 National Mall

My trip last summer to Washington DC was to take my granddaughter to see the sights. I did not know until a day or two ahead of time about the Apollo 50 celebration on the Nation Mall. Thursday when we arrived we swam for an hour before heading over to DC itself.

I knew there was going to be a special event to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Apolo 11 landing on the moon. Thursday night the only projected a full-size Apollo 11 on the Washington Monument. Friday, they had a program that included the launch.

Friday was a very hot day and we had already walked 12 miles that day. We had White House tickets for 8:00 am, so we were in town early.

By the time we made it back to the Motel room, it was time to swim. Lexi told me after about half an hour in the pool, "I want to see the rocket tonight."

So, we loaded a bag with cold water and drove back into the city. The streets were being blocked off and parking was a bear. BUT, I found a spot on the National Mall to park.

It was a hot humid night, but we sat and watched the program unfold. She had never seen it before, she is 8. There were probably close to 50,000 people watching it that night.

I am glad she wanted to go see it because I enjoyed it very much.

#apollo50 #apollo11 #nationalmall #apollo #space #washingtondc

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